Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thing 7: Social Bookmarking and Folksonomies

Yummmm. . . delicious:

So I created my own delicious account and have to say, I really like it. I think it's the application with firefox that won me over, for before, it seemed odd that you had to go to a site to access your bookmarks. Now it seems a part of your browser, even if it is online.

Learning outcomes. . . in keeping a theme, I bookmarked some videologs (vlogs) and blogs about food and cooking. I read about these last week in the LA Times, and used the Times own site to upload the article as a link (delicious icons are everywhere).

For me, the most useful part is not the tagging, but reading what others who bookmarked the same site have done. By following a serendipitous chain, I discovered those who have bookmarked LA food sites and other interesting restaurant reviews. It was interesting and I can see wasting many hours going through different links.

Folksonomies -- I suppose you can find related links and I like the generated suggested tags that delicious comes up with. However, I'm not yet convinced how useful these may be.

For libraries -- setting up bookmarks that one can import would be of great help to researchers. Also, the freedom to organize bookmarks on one's own can allow me or any librarian to mark sites that may not be suitable for our site.

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